Thursday, January 12, 2017

Humans of Africa


humans of africa.JPG
“Tropical fruits, delicious meats, tasty grains, three meals a day…When I hear we are all starving here in Africa I can’t help but think what kinds of foods other countries have ("Tropical fruits – Africa's real diamonds are not hidden in the ground; they're hanging in the trees!" ). The lunch here at school is pretty good. It’s not as good as my mom’s cooking, but I like it!. Someday when I’m older I’d like to become a football player or maybe even a lawyer in the big city.

The other day my teacher said that there’s a lot of starving children in America and that we were going to fundraise for them by bringing to class food and supplies we can stuff backpacks with. My teacher said that almost 46 million people there who go without food every day. She said that is around 15% of the entire country (Worldhunger)! I got curious and wanted to look up how many people here go without food, and I found that America and us have almost the same amount (Feeding America). I can’t imagine that! We’re currently having a competition on who can bring in the most food- I hope I win!

Life's not easy here in Africa though, it’s actually pretty hard because my mama is very strict with me regarding school work. She says I have to finish all my homework before dinner. It sounds easy but it’s harder than it sounds. I am working really hard to get my scholarship in a very prestigious high school here in Africa and with the education I am getting I am sure I will do good I just have to continue to study hard (Wilkinson) (Philip).

No, I really do not want to leave Africa, I love my home; I’m proud of living here and being from here. I love the happy and strong people that are part of my life today. I love and admire their hard work, I cannot imagine life without the numerous nutritious and yummy dishes my mama makes. I don’t want to leave because honestly I see no reason to do so. I’ll stay here because here I have my mama, my baba, my annoying sisters and all of my friends, my favorite food, and my favorite breathtaking places; I like it  here in Africa because I lack nothing.”

“A lot of my friend’s parents have jobs working in the city. My best friend’s dad is a farmer that provides very nutritious foods to the community. His mother is one of the best vendors at our market.”


"Africa Hunger and Poverty Facts." World Hunger. N.p., 2016. Web. 12 Jan. 2017.

"Hunger and Poverty Facts and Statistics." Feeding America. N.p., 2015. Web. 12 Jan. 2017.
KANYI, JOSEPH. Fresh Produce at a Market in Nyeri County. 2015. Nyeri. Daily Nation. Web. 21 Jan. 2015.

Philip,"100 Best Secondary Schools in Africa, Does Your School Feature in the List." How Africa News. N.p., 05 June 2015. Web. 12 Jan. 2017.

"Tropical fruits – Africa's real diamonds are not hidden in the ground; they're hanging in the trees!" Smallstarter Africa. N.p., 16 Oct. 2015. Web. 12 Jan. 2017.

Wilkinson, Kate. "Is SA’s Education System the Worst in Africa? Not According to the Data." Africa Check. N.p., 4 Sept. 2013. Web. 12 Jan. 2017.

Kenny Holbrook
Priscila Garcia
Sarah Becknell

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