Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Produce Orginally in Ghana before colonization

1 comment:

  1. Here is an advertisement which includes some the orginal produce in Ghana in which was there before colonialism.Many tribes within pre-colonial Africa practiced subsistence agriculture. Within the country of Ghana the Ashanti people are one of the populous tribes within the country. They are infamous for being within a community in which agriculture is the most important economic activity in the district. Agricultural land is a major resource within the area. Even though they partook in subsistence agriculture there was still a market for crops .
    Works Cited
    Cornwall, Andrea. Readings in Gender in Africa. Bloomington: Indiana U, 2006. Print.
    Ludlow, Helen. (2012). Ghana, cocoa, colonialism and globalisation: introducing historiography. Yesterday and Today, (8), 01-21. Retrieved April 10, 2017,
    "Pre-Colonial Period." Pre-colonial History of Ghana. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2017.


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